Shape and switch lighting easily
Experience lighting effects for customised scenes, creating a comfy atmosphere.
Package includes:
Cater to the basic needs of families with elderly or children
An elementary Smart Home solution focuses on safety and comfort, allowing you peace of mind even when you are away from home.
Package includes:
Taking care of pets at your home with you
Equip with smart devices considerately taking care of pets' basic needs.
Package includes:
The ultimate smart home lighting scenes
Automatically activate various professional lighting effects through light and motion sensors to create the best scene and unfold a smart new lifestyle.
Package includes:
Make your home even more comfortable and convenient at an affordable price.
Package includes:
Transform your living space into a smart, efficient and comfortable home.
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Enjoy the modern convenience and control your lighting, air-con, TV and more easily
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Real-time taking full control of your home to escalate home safety
Safeguard and ensure the well-being of your family, pets and possessions right from your phone. Monitor and control lights, electrical appliances, and arms home security system even when you are away.
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Enhance family bonding with Smart living
Our comprehensive package includes smart lighting, smart control, home security and protection, catering to the unique interests and facilitating daily routines of every family member.
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